
For personal website, portfolio, blog, sports or travel website ...

$0.00 USD

  • 1GB Web Space

  • 500MB Traffic/mo

  • 1 Email adress

  • 22 Website Tampletes

  • 3 Max Menu Items

  • Free SSL let's Encrypt

    • Risk-free for 30 days.

      Get 2 months free with
      annual prepay.

      Order Now


For small businesses, self-employed, liberal professions ...

$7.00 USD

  • 3GB Web Space

  • 650MB Traffic/mo

  • 3 Email adress

  • 66 Website Tampletes

  • Full Menu Items

  • Free SSL let's Encrypt

  • Free DomaineFor the first year

  • Button

  • Form

  • Menu

  • Languages

  • Block

    • Risk-free for 30days.

      Get 2 months free with
      annual prepay.

      Order Now


For restaurants, hotels, towns, e-commerce, artisans, associations ...

$15.00 USD

  • 10GB Web Space

  • Unmetered bandwidth

  • 10 Email adress

  • 200 Website Tampletes

  • FULL Menu Items

  • Free SSL let's Encrypt

  • Free Domaine First year

  • Blog Plugin Section

  • eCommerce Plugin Section

  • Extra tools Section

  • SocialOptions

  • Advance Tools

  • + Essential plan elements

Risk-free for 30days.

Get 1 months free with
annual prepay.

Order Now


For restaurants, hotels, towns, e-commerce, artisans, associations, eLearning ...

$25.00 USD

  • 15GB Web Space

  • Unmetered bandwidth

  • 5 Email adress

  • 200 Website Tampletes

  • FULL Menu Items

  • Free SSL let's Encrypt

  • Free Domaine First year

  • Blog Plugin Section

  • eCommerce Plugin Section

  • Extra tools Section

  • SocialOptions

  • WordPress Manager ToolsOptions

  • Joomla Toolkit

  • Advance Tools

  • + Professional plan elements

Risk-free for 30 days.

Get 1 months free with
annual prepay.

Order Now